The group decided to head off to stop their advancement. As our heroes stealthily made their way to the keep they launched an attack with their dragons to try an lure the other dragons away. They were successful and the dragons are settling their own scores.
Upon entering the keep the discovered Arkhan the Cruel,a heavily muscled, red-scaled dragonborn who is nearly seven feet tall.
Around his neck he wears a loop of golden thorns inset with dozens of gems, representing each of the chromatic dragon colors. It is an exalted legendary magical artifact called The Wreath of the Prism and grants him control over powerful beasts and monstrosities. His holy symbol is an amulet adorned with the five-headed dragon sigil of Tiamat built into the chest plate of his heavy armor.
He wears a suit of jagged, spiked, obsidian-metal plate armor with green dragon scales embedded throughout the main plates. He carries Fane-Eater, a magical battle-axe carved from deep cerulean sapphire and adorned with numerous runic sigils.
With him are his Dark Order:
- Torogor Steelfist - A fierce and tireless warrior, Torogar was skilled with the use of double scimitars, which he could wield in a mindless rage. He also dealt devastating attacks with his horns
- Krull - a tortle cleric of Tiamat with his entire shell engraved with prayers to Tiamat
- Chango, Arkhan's pet Manticore
- A berserker loyal to Arkhan
- A white Abishai - that was later revealed to be the soulless form of Elric's grandfather
- Elric is badly hurt
- Hannalore is badly hurt
- Isabrix is doing fine
- Kali was badly hurt but transformed into a Young Blue Dragon by Zofia
- Shardon is in bad shape
- Zofia has taken some hits
- Chango is somewhat hurt
- Torogor is very hurt
- the Balor is wrecking shit
- Krull is feeling frisky
- Arkhan has taken some blows